Thursday, May 24, 2012

Grace the sprinter

Although she told me repeatedly not to come, I snuck out over lunch hour anyway to catch Grace's track meet. (I kept a relatively low profile, I think :) ) She did awesome!

One less chiclet!

Ben's first visit from the tooth fairy imminent...

Wednesday, May 9, 2012


Another year rolls by...Lisa made an awesome cake, and I took possession of popcorn maker #3 (last one being held together by duct tape!) Thanks guys.

Monday, May 7, 2012

Cottage work

Despite the cold yucky drizzle on Sunday, had a good work weekend at the cottage.We're finally putting up the decorative white picket fence that Lis has been envisioning since the original plan. Neighbor Geoff came up to help (thanks Geoff!) and since there was drilling involved Ben was there to help too. Mia helped with a fence of her own  while Grace and friend Megan fetched frogs, turtles, an unsuspecting bass, and a runaway rowboat (twice!). Going to the cottage is always about discovery; usually nature things like the awesome pair of calling loons we saw...but I also learned that Grace ROCKS at Q-bit and that using a ledger board and rim screws helps a ton with installing cabinets (thanks again Geoff!). As always, I was personally thankful to my wife for awesome cooking and great grandpa - that old wheelbarrow just keeps on truckin'. (Pictures to follow)

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Yea! More Wookiee puppy pictures! (4 boys and 6 girls) Healthy! Happy! Yippee! Heck, Wookiee even got a haircut out of the deal. :)

I'm not too happy with my migration to Tumblr (blog). Funky posting from my Android phone (even with email), can't easily batch post pictures, weird formatting, boo!

I'm back to Blogger....we'll see how it goes :)